Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Carlos Aguilar Final

By Lynn Fitzpatrick World Regattas

The 2nd Annual Carlos Aguilar Match Race ended with an all ISV showdown between America's Cup helmsman Peter Holmberg and a seasoned team that has been sailing with him for over 20 years versus college junior, Taylor Canfield, two Antilles high school sailors and someone who is old enough to be their father and has been a Holmberg rival in the islands for over three decades. It was a good show and wisdom and experience prevailed.

In the Women's Final, number one in the world, Claire Leroy, defeated Genny Tulloch, the US Women's Match Racing Champion in exciting racing.

The committee and umpires did a great job rattling off races in the shift and windy conditions.

I've never seen such a dedicated group of volunteers put on an event that took care of everyone - breakfast, lunch, dinner, parties and more. The event was not hosted at a yacht club. Headquarters were at Yacht Haven Grande, IGY's flagship marina property in the Caribbean and shaded grandstands were set up along the city's waterfront along with a generator, so that everyone could hear the MC's call the races. The MC's were Pat Bailey and Dave Perrry - how great is that?

Expect the level of the competition to improve next year and match racers clamor to participate in the event.

The Carlos Aguilar Match Race had it all, even a benefit regatta for At Risk youth.

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