Sunday, July 13, 2008

Speedboat... to go again!

Thank you for checking in on us.

The good news is that Speedboat is all repaired and ready to go again. For now we don’t know why exactly the dagger-board broke, so what we have done is re-evaluated the speeds at which we will use them and by bringing the top speed down three or four knots it increases our safety margins massively.

The team of those of us onboard, and Ken Campbell and his Team at Commanders Weather, are now fully back onto monitoring Weather patterns to see when there is another opportunity for us to go roaring off from Ambrose light. To have a shot at getting across to lands end UK in less than the six days 17 hours that Mari Cha IV took, is no small feat, that was a quick trip by a very fast yacht. But we believe that we have the hardware in the boat and the right team to give it a good nudge.

As soon as we go Orange and get guys on planes we will post it up here so that you know that a possible departure isn’t far away, in the mean time check out some of the new photos in the gallery section of Speedboat from the start in Newport.. pretty cool.

Talk soon - Mike Sanderson -