Huge relief all round as Vincent Riou made contact with missing skipper Jean Le Cam this afternoon. At 1421 (GMT) Vincent Riou on PRB arrived at the scene of VM Matériaux’s capsize. Riou reported that he found the yacht floating upside down, missing its keel bulb, but a small ‘flag’ was visible at one of the through-hull fittings on the bow of the upturned yacht.
Riou shouted for Le Cam and heard a response from the French skipper inside the capsized boat. The stern of VM Matériaux, where there is an emergency escape hatch, is underwater. A Chilean naval tug has also been sent to aid the rescue effort.
The tug left Puerto Williams at 12h30 GMT and is due to reach the area tomorrow morning at 06h30. The tug is equipped with a RIB and divers to assist in recovering the skipper. -
Riou shouted for Le Cam and heard a response from the French skipper inside the capsized boat. The stern of VM Matériaux, where there is an emergency escape hatch, is underwater. A Chilean naval tug has also been sent to aid the rescue effort.
The tug left Puerto Williams at 12h30 GMT and is due to reach the area tomorrow morning at 06h30. The tug is equipped with a RIB and divers to assist in recovering the skipper. -