M. Pierre-Yves Fimienich
Société Nautique de Genêve
Port Noir
CH-1223 Cologny
January 15, 2010
Dear Commodore Firmenich
The 33rd America's Cup
I am formally asking your yacht club to retract immediately the comments made by representatives of your America’s Cup defender Alinghi.
My yacht club, BMW ORACLE Racing and our partners are owed an unreserved apology for the falsehoods set out by Brad Butterworth about the attempts to negotiate a mutual agreement in Singapore.
Our side did not withdraw the offer to settle. The opposite was true.
The final document was signed by Tom Ehman and Richard Slater on behalf of GGYC/BMW ORACLE Racing. The other signature belongs to David Kellett of the International Sailing Federation, acting as witness.
Notwithstanding the false statements made by Alingbi to the press, GGYC remains committed to resuming talks so that all the outstanding issues are cleared up before racing starts for the 33’' Match.
As Trustee of the America’s Cup I am sure your club understands its responsibilities in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
Marcus Young
Golden Gate Yacht Club