Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deja vu - TP52 in Hyeres

Juan Vila, Navigator on Artemis, on a fantastic first day for the team:"We had a very good first race, and in the second were up there as well. Hopefully we can keep it up. The championship is obviously riding right now between Artemis and CXG, and in the same way they are also keeping their sights set on us. It isn't exactly a Match Race but we are obviously watching our main rivals. Both tactics and boat speed are important in these races, as well as a good start to see which side we want. It seemed that it was the left that was favoured on the beats and if we knew if could keep a little on that side we would finish well.
It is also really important to watch for passing opportunities on the run and in that sense the person who is out ahead is often disadvantaged when there are such a lot of other boats around."Guillermo Parada, Skipper on Siemens, on a comeback for the team:"The day started quite calmly and the wind was pretty shifty. We knew it was going to be difficult tactically and ended up quite well for us. The wind was always over to the left so we had two reasons to go that. We had quite a good start in the first race but didn't get over to the left enough and paid dearly, from that moment onwards it was quite complicated and were blocked and couldn't get out of the pack. Full Story