Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Paul Cayard checks in...

Underwater Photo:© ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi

Dona and Ernesto Bertarelli at the helm of Numbers Photo:© ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi

On board Moneypenny @ Les Voiles de St. Tropez
We had an email blackout at our house over the past 24 hours and somehow my Blackberry went down at the same time. Blackberry is back up now so I am writing this from the boat.
Anyway, yesterday was a black day for us onboard Moneypenny as we were black flagged at the start.

Today was better in that when the wind got squirley, we played through and passed Container. Numbers still is very fast and probably won the race.

So we were 3rd or 4th today and hoping for at least one more race so we can discard our black flag of yesterday.

The temperature has warmed up a bit and the croissants are still good.

Tomorrow is a lay day with racing resuming Friday. The forecast for Friday is for a Mistral, so it should be pretty breezy.

The results for this regatta can be found at

Cayard Sailing Website