Tuesday, September 16, 2008


BMW ORACLE Racing welcomes Louis Vuitton Pacific Series

Valencia, Spain 16 September, 2008 -: BMW ORACLE Racing today welcomed the announcement of the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series to be run in Auckland, New Zealand early next year and confirmed that it will be entering a team.

"It is really good to see Louis Vuitton leading this initiative, and we are really looking forward to coming to Auckland to join in what I’m sure will be a great competition," Russell Coutts, the team’s CEO said.

"Congratulations are also due to the New Zealand Government, Emirates Team New Zealand and the other partners to the event in coming up with this format. This is a great way to get everyone back on the water.

"Auckland is always a great place to sail. And with a race format aimed at close competition this will be an event that sailors and fans will really enjoy."

Coutts said the team would be in touch with Louis Vuitton shortly to confirm its entry. - www.bmworacleracing.com