Wednesday, November 12, 2008

AC33 Moving forward...

Competitor Meeting at the Société Nautique de Genève
(Photo credit: Schmid Chris / MAGICCHRIS)
A large majority of the teams entered in the 33rd America’s Cup today achieved another milestone in the process of getting the event back on the water during a second Competitor Meeting at the Société Nautique de Genève in Switzerland.

Ten of the 12 entered challengers present at the meeting, along with the Defender Alinghi, expressed a unanimous will to work together constructively towards a class rule and regulations that satisfy all entered competitors.

Amongst other topics, it was agreed that:

- The Arbitration Panel be expanded to five members, with the two additional members being appointed by all the entered competitors through a democratic process
- The Race Committee has been agreed by all the entered competitors
- Other America’s Cup Race Officials, the Technical Director and Umpires will be selected following a similar process amongst ISAF officials
- Two pre-regattas will be organised in 2009 before the 33rd America’s Cup in 2010

All participants at today’s meeting expressed their satisfaction with the process and their confidence in ongoing plans progressing towards a 33rd America’s Cup. They also urged BMW Oracle Racing once again to drop their lawsuit and enter this process.

The next Competitor Meeting is scheduled for December. -