Team Hiroshi – Città di Milano leads after an exceptional first fleet-racing day
Fairly strong winds and big waves: the conditions could not have been better for the first day of the fleet racing event of the Dubai RC 44 Cup. Already a brilliant second of the match racing event, Armando Giulietti’s Team Hiroshi – Città di Milano leads the fleet race after four regattas.
Fairly strong winds and big waves: the conditions could not have been better for the first day of the fleet racing event of the Dubai RC 44 Cup. Already a brilliant second of the match racing event, Armando Giulietti’s Team Hiroshi – Città di Milano leads the fleet race after four regattas.
Dubai, March 5, 2008 – With two bullets, a second and a fourth place, Armando Giulietti, the owner of Team Hiroshi – Città di Milano, can be satisfied: he did even better than his brilliant pro skipper Sébastien Col earlier in the week during the match-race event!Held in 15-18 knots of wind, under a blazing sunshine and on big waves, the first day of the fleet-racing event will stay in the short RC 44 Class history as the funniest and best racing day to date.
Even before the start of the first race, as the teams were warming up under jib & main sail, speeds of up to 20 knots were reached whilst surfing the swell. Those conditions didn’t in any way prompt the teams to start on the back foot. On the contrary, they were hot on the line, aggressive and pushing hard.
Team Sea Dubai even pushed so hard that it closed the door on Team Aqua, who had no other option but to crash badly on the Committee boat, unfortunately pursuing its series of bad luck in this event. Luckily, thanks to the bow crash box, Team Aqua’s crewmembers could repair the damage quickly and join the fleet back for the third race. Full report